JR Young Journalist Prize 2020 shortlist

The shortlist of six has been revealed

Last week the first ever JR Young Journalist Prize came to a close and we are delighted to announce the six writers who made our shortlist.

A student at Goldsmiths, London, who wrote a politically charged piece calling for greater representation of young people in positions of community leadership.

A postgraduate student at University College London who questioned whether she was a British Jew or Jewish Brit, with a fresh angle and expression.

A graduate of York University and King’s College, London, who described being the only Jew in a production of Fiddler on the Roof in a piece that was both funny and moving.

Education Administrator at New North London Synagogue who challenged preconceptions by arguing that the Talmud should be utilised as a source of artistic inspiration.

A University of Exeter student who wrote a well-informed and persuasive essay on the need for greater Muslim-Jewish solidarity.

A student at Edinburgh University who submitted a beautiful narrative exploring the world of Jewish gangsters.

We were overwhelmed by the quality and quantity of the submissions. Now it's up to our esteemed panel of judges to agree on a favourite. The winner will be announced in the forthcoming April 2020 issue of JR magazine and on the JR blog.

Meet the judges:

JR PRIZE_2020 panel.jpg

We'll also be posting some of the shortlisted and longlisted entries on the blog over the course of the next few weeks, so stay tuned.

Visit the JR Prize page to learn more about the competition.